Friday, February 21, 2014

Tuck Everlasting Final Project


Book report in a box – Take a box and fill it with 5-7 items that represent important parts of the story: characters, setting, and conflict. You will use these props as you present your book report, explaining the significance of each item. Include a 3-4 paragraph essay explaining the importance of each prop. The outside of the paper bag should be decorated to fit the theme of the story and should include the book’s title and author. 2-3 people

2.       Character Monologue – Pretend to be one of the characters in the book, and tell us the story as that character in first person (using pronouns like I and we). You must submit a written script or series of diary entries of your monologue. Present the monologue out-loud in costume. 2 people

3.       Tuck Soundtrack – Pretend that one or more characters from your book have made a CD. Create the CD jacket, lyrics of the hit single, and a list of the other songs that are reflective of the character(s) and events s/he has experienced in the story. CD must look like a real CD, in a case with appropriate information on the front and back covers. You will present your book report by telling us about the story, sharing the corresponding song titles as you go. For groups of 3, sing the hit single! 2 people (no song)     3 people (with song)

4.       ABC Book – Create an ABC book using the characters, important events, symbols, or themes in your story. Identify one word for every letter of the alphabet that represents the story. Each page should include an illustration and an explanation. You will present your book report by reading your ABC book to the class. 2 people

5.       Puppet Show – Create puppets, a script, and a backdrop, and act out an important scene, or series of scenes from your book. Your puppets may be made of paper lunch bags, craft sticks, or any other materials that are easy to find. Additionally, you must introduce your scene, explaining how it fits into the rest of the story. Include a printed, detailed script. 2 people

6.       Role Play – Choose three chapters from the book and write a script that highlights the events of those three chapters. You must submit a written script of the role play. You must be “in character” when you perform and use props and costumes to enhance the presentation. 2-3 people

7.        Final Essay – Choose a theme of the story and write a 4-5 paragraph essay explaining that theme and/ or making a comparison to something outside of the story. 1 person

8.       Create your own “everlasting” children’s book- Write your own short story with an everlasting theme. Turn your story into a children’s book, using images on each page. You may use and print the story or do it by hand. 2 people

9.       Write your own ending- Change the last chapter/ epilogue by writing your own ending. This must be done in detail, including multiple chapters (4 minimum) with illustrations for each chapter. -2 people

10.   Your own idea- Come up with your own creative idea for a Tuck Everlasting final
project. Let me know your idea before you begin, so I can approve it.

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